Saturday, May 22, 2010

Being Uncomfortable

About a year ago, I was "inspired" to start my own business as an independent consultant for a network marketing company called Arbonne (Swiss skin care and wellness products). The reason: I was uncomfortable with constantly straining to fit my needs and those of my children into a rigid, employer-imposed superstructure.

After the end of my nearly 20-year marriage, I held a total of four administrative-type jobs in about four years. All these jobs required strict adherence to designated work-hours. Minuscule amounts of time were counted, and a loss of two or three work-minutes was sternly noted.

By this time, I was used to "flying by the seat of my pants," and those of you with children know what I'm talking about... Getting worked up about being ten minutes late made no sense to me anymore (unfortunately, controlling types such as certain employers and former husbands tend to think differently).

Somehow I made the change, in spite of never having been self-employed and possessing no sales training or experience. Well, a year has passed, and I am here to tell the tale of my climb to super-wealth and a lifestyle of richness beyond my wildest dreams...

Not really, I'm kidding. The fact is, I am still struggling financially and have a medical insurance plan called Just-Don't-Get-Sick.

However, there have been, and continue to be, some fairly awe-inspiring changes in me and my life as a result of this decision. Perhaps this is what happens when one gives up his old ideas about, well, anything, and high-jumps off the cliff into the unknown. Can you say, "uncomfortable?" What about feeling it?

Being uncomfortable and more importantly, seeing that I won't die from this feeling, have given me the confidence to now have two of my own businesses: Arbonne (I love that stuff!) and my writing/editing service. For the first time in my life, I am passionate, energized, and no longer bored by what I do for a living.

I am dealing with so many people now, from every manner of age, ethnic origin, social and financial status. They are all my teachers, broadening my understanding of people and my compassion for them. Also, I am gaining confidence in my God-given ability to take care of myself within each relationship.

Life has become less about reaching specific goals to define my success, and more about being here now - in faith and freedom. I am not afraid anymore to explore who I am and what I can create. Successes encourage me, but failures don't devastate me. There is always the next moment, the next adventure: unscripted, unplanned, surprising, treacherous, and exciting.

But life would never be the joyous ride it is if I weren't willing - and able with the help of God - to be uncomfortable. And thus, discomfort has brought me abundant happiness, because it brings me awareness of a personal safety net that gives me all the comfort I could ever need or want.


  1. I am taking these heartbreathed words and will use them to constantly remind and encourage me to walk of the edge with Him and TRUST!

  2. that is walk off the edge with Him...
